Family Life 1. List the members of your family (include name, age, occupation and grade/level of education): Father: Rick Skeen, 36, cable splicer, finished 2 years of college Mother: Pattie Skeen, 34, kindergarten teacher Daughter: Julie Skeen, 10, student in 5th grade Son: Michael Skeen, 7, student in 2nd grade 2. How large a family did each parent come from? Rick: 7 children; 2 parents Pattie: 5 children; 2 parents 3. How much time does your family spend together at work and play? We spend four hours/day together. 4. How far do you commute to work or school? Rick: 1 hour/day Pattie: 10 minutes/day 5. What kinds of transportation do you use? How much time is spent in transport? Rick and Pattie commute to work in a van or truck. The children take the school bus. Pattie does errands for 4 hours/week. Rick spends 3-4 hours/day in transport. 6. Do you actively practice your religion? How does it affect your daily life and community? Yes, we try to live our daily lives as Christians. We try to be good neighbors and set a good example of love and unity as a family in the community. Family Economics 7. Does your family consider itself rich or poor, comfortable or struggling? We consider ourselves comfortable. Our family is rich in love and close to family and friends. We don't have any material needs, neither do we have any money to squander.